Student Academy
The Student Academy represents the voice of PA students across the country. Led by the Student Board of Directors, the Student Academy embraces AAPA’s mission with a focus on student-oriented engagement, professional development, and advocacy.
Student Board of Directors
AAPA student members annually elect PA student leaders who represent all PA students in the U.S.

Assembly of Representatives (AOR)
The Assembly of Representatives (AOR) is comprised of Student Academy Representatives from each recognized PA program’s Student Society. Students debate and determine resolutions which will guide the work of the Student Academy Board of Directors and Student Board Committees for the subsequent leadership year.

Student Society Resources
Student societies are groups of PA students who meet regularly to discuss issues of common interest. Each PA program can register a student society with the Student Academy.

House of Delegates – Student Delegation
PA students form one of the largest delegations to the annual meeting of the House of Delegates, AAPA’s policymaking body.

Challenge Bowl
AAPA’s hallmark student events happens each year at Conference! This medical game show allows PA students to test their clinical knowledge against other PA students from across the country. Which PA program will be the Challenge Bowl Champion in 2025?