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PA Money Sense Interactive Budget Guide

Graduate With Less Debt

AAPA and PA Money Sense are partnering to provide AAPA members with free access to the PA Money Sense Interactive Budget Guide!

The budget guide is a customizable spreadsheet to help PA students like you manage their student loans during PA school. It can help you calculate how much money to accept in federal student loans and how to allocate that money between student loan disbursements. It is completely customizable for any PA program and helps you navigate your finances in PA school so you can graduate with less debt and less stress.

The PA Money Sense Interactive Budget Guide includes:

  • Visual dashboard to summarize spending
  • Monthly budget tracker
  • Annual budget tracker
  • Calculator to determine how much money in federal student loans to accept each term


Spring Cleaning Your Finances

Are you nervous about upcoming student loan payments? Do you want to reevaluate your budget but don’t know where to start? “Spring Cleaning Your Finances” is a quick guide to reviewing your spending, setting big goals, and planning for financial freedom.

About PA Money Sense

PA Money Sense is an online platform built to help new and future PAs manage their finances through every step of their journey. The organization prepares students to budget for PA school and guides new graduates through loan repayment all the way to retirement planning.

PA Money Sense founders Evan and Ginger
Evan Johnson, PA-C and Ginger Morgan, PA-C

Meet the PA Money Sense Team

PA Money Sense was founded by two PAs, Evan Johnson and Ginger Morgan. Evan graduated in 2018 with a BS in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Georgia, then attended PA school at Baylor College of Medicine. She currently works as a nighttime hospitalist at a small community hospital.

In 2018, Ginger graduated with an MBA in Healthcare Administration just a few weeks before starting PA school at Baylor College of Medicine. She now works in pediatric rehabilitation and does research in pediatric head trauma.