PA Wellness

One of the ways to protect against burnout is to focus on your well-being. Well-being is defined as the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. There are five main types of well-being that PAs and PA students should be mindful of: emotional, physical, social, workplace, and societal. AAPA is committed to providing resources to help PAs and PA students manage their stress, find meaning and purpose in their work and life, and achieve the five types of well-being.

Data On PA Well-Being & Burnout


of PAs are experiencing at least one or more symptoms of burnout or are completely burned out


of PA students are experiencing at least one or more symptoms of burnout or are completely burned out


of PAs are optimistic about the future of the PA profession


of PAs are pessimistic about the future of healthcare

Do you need to talk or want someone to listen? Work, school, and life may be overwhelming for a lot of reasons.
News & Communication
Webinars & Learning

Interested in learning more about burnout and well-being? Here is all the related CME AAPA has to offer in Learning Central. In addition, the AAPA Joint Task Force on Burnout has provided new information and materials, including factsheets. Finally, read a curated collection on burnout and well-being in clinicians.



Get Involved

AAPA supports the awareness and recognition of burnout in all clinicians. In 2018, AAPA adopted an official policy on burnout that states this and also encourages providers to actively engage in strategies to avoid professional burnout (HP-3900.14).




Letter of commitment to NAM


Task Force Charges

In 2019, the House of Delegates and the AAPA Board of directors formed a joint work group between the House and Board. The charges are located here.

External Resources

This curated list of external resources include resource collections available on other websites, tools to help PAs and PA students address burnout, and discussions that may be of interest or help. In addition, the self-assessment tools can help you find your personal strengths and weaknesses in combating burnout. can help you find your personal strengths and weaknesses in combating burnout. If you find that you are at risk, or experience discomfort when taking these assessments, please seek professional help or reach out to the national crisis hotline.

AAPA is not responsible for the content on these websites.


Crisis Hotlines & Support


Well-Being and Burnout Resources


Self-Assessment Tools