From AAPA’s Leaders

Hear directly from the president and chair of AAPA’s Board of Directors, the organization’s chief executive officer, and your fellow PAs who volunteer their time and expertise in support of the profession. Be inspired by the ways in which they give back to their communities and their patients and work to raise awareness of PAs, and stay up to date on AAPA’s short- and long-term initiatives and business goals.

From Our President

Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi, DM, MPH, PA-C, DFAAPA

President and Chair, Board of Directors

From Our President

  • June

    • Reflections on A Year of Milestone Achievements
      In his final message, Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi reflects on his term as AAPA President, how the PA profession has grown, AAPA 2024 successes, and advocacy wins. He encourages PAs to make their voices heard and not be afraid to take chances.

  • May

    • Just 8 Days Until AAPA 2024!
      In the lead up to AAPA 2024, AAPA President Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi shares details about what PAs and PA students can look forward to during this year’s conference.

  • April

    • ICYMI: The Latest PA Profession Advancements
      AAPA President Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi gives an update on the profession’s recent accomplishments, from the official activation of the PA Licensure Compact to Oregon becoming the first state to achieve title change, and touches on all the exciting opportunities PAs can look forward to in the coming months.

  • March

    • The Countdown to AAPA 2024 is On!
      In the lead up to AAPA 2024, President Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi shares details on some of the special events, CME offerings, and other opportunities PAs and PA students can look forward to in Houston.

  • January

    • 5 Ways to Be an Advocate for the PA Profession
      AAPA President Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi celebrates the PA profession being named one of the top five jobs across the country by U.S. News & World Report – for the seventh year in a row! To start off 2024, he challenges all PAs to advocate for the profession and make their voices heard.

  • December

    • Our Profession’s Top Victories This Year
      To end the year, AAPA President Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi reports on the profession’s top legislative wins, highlights a new PAs Go Beyond campaign milestone, and more.

  • November

    • A Thanksgiving Reflection: Leading with Purpose
      With Thanksgiving fast approaching, AAPA President Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi reflects on the diverse opportunities that shaped his career and urges PAs to look to the future. He encourages all PAs to embrace a leadership role in their community or practice, to make a difference for their patients and the PA profession.

  • October

    • Happy PA Week!
      AAPA President Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi spotlights the numerous ways PAs can participate during National PA Week. He also highlights a national PAs Go Beyond advertising campaign that complements a dynamic TV and radio tour featuring AAPA and state leaders to share the latest Harris poll data.

  • September

    • Save the Date for PA Week
      In the lead up to PA Week, AAPA President Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi urges PAs to show their support for their profession and their fellow PAs, by engaging on social media and spreading the word that PAs Go Beyond.

  • August

    • PA Leadership Opportunities: Unleash Your Potential!
      This month, AAPA President Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi encourages all PAs to consider how they can become a leader in the profession and work toward removing barriers and increasing access to high-quality patient care.


Read Archived Messages

From Our CEO

Lisa Gables headshot

Lisa M. Gables, CPA

Chief Executive Officer

From Our CEO

  • December

    • The Latest on PA Brand and Title Change
      Since the AAPA House of Delegates passed a resolution affirming “physician associate” as the official title of the PA profession in 2021, AAPA has made progress in building public awareness of this new title while simultaneously elevating the PA brand.

  • May

    • Tennessee Patients Weigh in on the Current State of Healthcare
      The Harris Poll findings illuminate challenges patients face every day to take care of themselves and their loved ones. The alarming poll results signal a need for immediate action to shore up the healthcare workforce and increase access to care for patients.

  • April

    • Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative Learning Lab
      During this DAC Learning Laboratory, AAPA CEO Lisa Gables spoke about the importance of partnership and collaboration in developing sustainable and scalable programs for Alzheimer’s early detection.

  • February

    • Letter to The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
      AAPA CEO Lisa Gables provides comments on the proposed rulemaking on medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder and how AAPA is committed to working with federal agencies to advance our shared mission of improving access to high-quality healthcare and ending the opioid epidemic.

  • November

    • AAPA Response to AMA’s #StopScopeCreep Campaign
      In a letter to the American Medical Association (AMA), AAPA CEO Lisa Gable and President Beth Smolko ask that AMA cease advancing the false and offensive narrative in the #StopScopeCreep campaign, which suggests PA care is not safe and jeopardizes patient safety.

  • March

    • To fight coronavirus, let physician assistants order home health services
      CEO Lisa Gables discusses how PAs play a significant part of the on-the-ground efforts to diagnose and treat COVID-19, and what legislative action can be taken to allow PAs to practice to the fullest extent of their training and abilities to improve access and affordability of care to patients.

Our Volunteer Leaders

Our Volunteer Leaders

  • September

    • PA Ben Reynolds Represents PAs at the Leadership Table
      Ben Reynolds, MPAS, PA-C, DFAAPA, believes participation is the lifeblood of a community. But he’s more than a participant; he’s a leader, always looking for ways to improve others’ lives – whether PAs, patients, or fellow community members.

  • August


PAs Go Beyond News

Primary Care and Precepting: Spotlight on the 2023 William H. Marquardt Fellows

The PA Foundation awards the William H. Marquardt Community Health Access Fellowship to PAs serving in mentoring and/or precepting roles, dedicated to promoting accessible primary and preventive healthcare amongst underserved populations. Apply or nominate someone today!

PA Bryan Wogen Provides Human-Centered Care to Senior Living Residents, Many of Whom Have Alzheimer’s Disease or Dementia

PA Bryan Wogen founded Lycos Medical in Colorado to provide mobile primary care services to residents of senior living communities. About 50 percent of his patients have Alzheimer’s disease or some form of dementia. For these patients, Wogen and his team provide thorough, frequent care that is centered on maintaining their patients’ humanity and dignity.

PA Jona Tanguay Takes a Leading Role in Boosting Equality for LGBTQ+ Patients and Providers

Improving quality of care for patients and advocating for equity among health professionals are seemingly two different objectives. For Jona Tanguay, MMSc, PA-C, AAHIVS, medical program lead for substance use disorder treatment at Whitman-Walker Health, the two goals go hand in hand—especially when they pertain to people who identify as LGBTQ+.

Inspired by the Outdoors? Check Out Wilderness Medicine

David Braun, PA-C, and Angela Widler, PA-C, share a lifelong enjoyment of the outdoors. They co-founded the PAs in Wilderness Medicine special interest group to raise awareness of the specialty and the many wilderness medicine opportunities available to PAs and PA students.

After Battling Brain Cancer, PA Student Melanie Shojinaga On TikTok, Her Career Goals, and Her Advice for PAs

Melanie Shojinaga was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer after her first quarter in Stanford University’s PA program. After eight months of treatment, she talks about why she chose to share her journey with humor on TikTok, how her goals as a student and a future PA have changed, and her advice for other PAs that she gained from her patient experience.

2024 Eugene A. Stead Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient Has Strengthened the PA Profession Through Service and Research

Richard Dehn, MPA, PA-C, DFAAPA, is the 2024 recipient of the Eugene A. Stead Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award. As a primary care provider, educator, mentor, and prolific researcher, Dehn has made significant contributions to the PA profession.

2024 PA of the Year is Dedicated to Providing Care in Addiction and Maternal Fetal Medicine

Jasmin E. Charles, MPAS, PA-C , is the 2024 recipient of the PA of the Year Award. Dedicated to providing care in addiction and maternal fetal medicine, Charles is the co-founder and clinical director for the Substance Use and Pregnancy – Recovery, Addiction, and Dependence clinic in Utah.

2024 PA Student of the Year Advocates for Inclusivity and Interprofessional Collaboration

Jade O. Norman, MHS, is the 2024 recipient of the PA Student of the Year Award. A PA student at Meharry Medical College, Norman is passionate about health equity and is Director of Community Engagement for the nation’s first medical concierge service for lower socioeconomic families

2024 Military Service Award Recipient Hopes to Lead by Example in Service

Leticia Bland, DHSc, MPAS, PA-C , is the 2024 recipient of the Military Service Award. A U.S. Air Force veteran, Bland volunteers her time to care for underserved communities. In her role as an educator, she helps her students learn to treat diverse populations.

2024 Diversity Award Recipient Breaks Down Language Barriers for Spanish-Speaking Patients

Paola Gonzalez, MPAS, PA-C, is the 2024 recipient of the Diversity Award. A PA for more than 20 years, Gonzalez is passionate about helping communities who face diminished resources and healthcare disparities. She is the current president of PAs for Latino Health.