Board and House of Delegates Joint Task Forces

AAPA is seeking interested applicants for two task forces created from resolutions passed at the 2024 House of Delegates (HOD) meeting in May 2024. Both task forces will share results and reports with the AAPA Board of Directors and HOD. The deadline to apply for appointment to either group is Thursday, August 15. Questions? Email [email protected].


Governance Review Task Force

AAPA is seeking fellow members, student members, HOD delegates, and early career PAs to apply for appointment to a task force to fulfill HOD resolution 2024-07, which states: AAPA shall create a task force appointed by the Board of Directors and House of Delegates to review the existing governance structure to assess whether it meets the needs of the membership. Pertinent topics include but are not limited to:  Board of Directors’ composition/size, regionalization and constituent representation, transparency & function of the House of Delegates, related to the ability to represent the PA profession and all PAs. The task force will present its initial findings to the 2025 House of Delegates.

For additional information about the task force’s charges and to apply, please visit the application link.


Students at Conference Joint Task Force

AAPA is seeking fellow and student members to apply for appointment to a joint House of Delegates (HOD) and Board of Directors (BOD) task force to evaluate and develop ways to reduce economic barriers for PA students to attend and/or participate in AAPA’s annual conference. Results of this task force’s work shall be communicated to the body at the HOD meeting in May 2025.

For additional information about the task force’s charges and to apply, please visit the application link.