PA Licensure Compact Commission Holds First Official Meeting

Groundbreaking Step for Cross-State PA Licensure as Compact Commission Sets Rules and Elects Leadership

September 30, 2024

The executive committee at the first official meeting.

The PA Licensure Compact Commission held its inaugural meeting on September 24 and 25, marking a pivotal moment in operationalizing the compact. Delegates from member states attended both in person at the Hall of States in Washington, D.C., and virtually, with a full list of commissioners available here. The meeting also included ex-officio non-voting delegates from AAPA and NCCPA, staff from AAPA, the Federal of State Medical Boards (FSMB), and NCCPA, staff from the Council of State Governments (CSG) and members of the public.

This inaugural meeting was the next step in operationalizing the compact and allowing PAs to utilize the compact to practice across state lines.

Key actions during the meeting included electing seven members of the executive committee and adopting bylaws and rulemaking protocols. The commission also received critical updates on topics such as the compact’s database infrastructure, funding for the compact, and ongoing legislative efforts.

The delegates and ex-officios at the first official meeting.

Each state that enacts PA licensure compact legislation is entitled to one delegate to the compact commission, selected by the board that licenses PAs in the state from among the board’s members and employees. AAPA has been working with FSMB and NCCPA, with technical support provided by CSG over the last several years to develop the PA compact.

The commission’s executive, finance, and rules committees will meet monthly to work on the details of implementing the compact. CSG and the compact’s interim legal counsel will provide their expertise and guidance throughout the process. Once the compact is fully operational, information about applying for compact privileges will be available at

Compact commission meetings will be open to the public. Meeting minutes, agendas, and information on how to tune in to these meetings and submit public comment can be found at:

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