9 Tips to Pay Off Your PA School Loans

PA Courtney Smith was determined to pay off her student loans as soon as she could. Here, she shares nine tips for how she and her family managed to be debt free within three years.

International Rotations Expand Opportunities for PA Students

Blake Rogers elected to complete a month-long clinical rotation in Tanzania between his first and second year of PA school. There, he experienced firsthand the difference healthcare providers can make in international, rural communities.

PA Eager to Learn Primary Care Obesity Management Tools

Scott Kastning, PA-C, APP dyad leader from MidMichigan Health, is among the PA and NP participants in the Primary Care Obesity Management Certificate Program, a new collaborative learning community about obesity management.

Missouri PAs Celebrate Legislative Successes

Missouri PAs are celebrating the recent enactment of two important bills which will increase access for patients in need of psychiatric care and treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD), and reduce administrative barriers faced by PAs serving rural and underserved populations.

Barriers to Providing Care Improving, But More Work Remains

By 2030, the U.S. may face a shortage of 42,600 to 121,300 physicians, according to the 2018 projections established by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Within their model, they found that general population growth coupled with the aging population accounts for most of the projected shortfall.

Right Time, Right Place: PA Saves a Life

If not for a PA who was in the right place at the right time during a May 20 Olympic Triathlon in southeastern Pennsylvania, a 51-year-old airline pilot would not be alive today.

Ortho PA Turns Soccer Passion into Profession

He is a smooth operator who thinks fast, remains composed under intense pressure and has a calming effect on those around him. That’s how most people describe PA Andy Hylton—both at his orthopedic clinic and on the professional soccer field.