A Day in the Life of a PA in Orthopaedics

Travis Randolph, PA-C, practices orthopaedics and is the Clinical Director of Sports Medicine at West Virginia University. In a day, he sees it all – surgery, MRIs, sutures, and more.

Legislation Introduced to Authorize Direct Pay to PAs Under Medicare

On April 13, Representatives Adrian Smith (R-NE) and Terri Sewell (D-AL) introduced HR 5506, the Physician Assistant Direct Payment Act, to authorize PAs to receive direct payment under Medicare. If enacted, this legislation would advance AAPA’s Optimal Team Practice for those PAs billing under Medicare.

PAs Can Bring Cost-Effective Care to Complex Patients

Adults aged 65+ frequently have multiple chronic conditions that may add to their medical complexity. Treatment for complex patients is unsustainably costly, but the needs of these patients can be met with effective care strategies. PAs are poised to take a lead role in bringing cost-effective care coordination to complex patients.

PAHPM Helps to Develop Palliative and Hospice Care CME

Despite growing recognition for the value of palliative care, the majority of healthcare practitioners have insufficient training to provide a basic level of palliative care to their patients. PAHPM helped design a new one-hour course for PAs.

AAPA18 Keynote Jeff Evans: The Man Behind the Mountains

Jeff Evans is a mountaineer, a leader, and the AAPA18 general session keynote speaker. He began his career as a wilderness EMT in Joshua Tree, California, graduated from Drexel University’s PA Program, and uses his PA skills on climbing expeditions, search and rescue and trauma teams. Read more about the man behind the mountains.

Early-Career PAs Share Leadership Advice

At AAPA’s 2018 Leadership and Advocacy Summit, four PA panelists spoke passionately about the value of leadership for young PAs and the need to make leadership an early-career priority.

PAs and Consent to Settle

AAPA Insurance offers consent to settle with no hammer clause, and might be the right choice for you.

Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Clinical Setting

Medical providers such as PAs are often the first point of contact for caretakers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and as such, need to be comfortable speaking about how to identify red flags of ASD, and where to refer caretakers if there is any concern.

“Your PA Can Handle It”: New Ad Resources

AAPA is pleased to announce the rollout of a new suite of advertisements to raise awareness and understanding of the PA profession. The materials were created for AAPA constituent organizations, particularly state PA chapters, to use as part of outreach activities.