What Has AAPA Done for PAs Lately?

What has AAPA done for PAs lately? It’s a question that we sometimes hear or see posted on social media. With the myriad of things competing for your dollars, from mortgages to college tuition, we’d like to take this opportunity to share how your membership dues are being spent wisely, and providing a great ROI for you and the profession.

Get Ready for the 2018 AAPA Awards

It’s award season again at AAPA and the application deadline is fast approaching. Collect a photo, list of accomplishments and recommendations and apply by Feb. 15.

After Disasters, PAs Step In To Provide Critical Medical Care

Following natural and man-made disasters, PAs have the medical expertise and the willingness to provide care to affected populations, and their skills were particularly needed last year after hurricanes hit Houston, Florida, and Puerto Rico in succession. PAs can go to a disaster site as part of a nonprofit relief effort…or, they can apply to join one of the federal Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMATs), the State Medical Assistance Teams (SMATs) or the U.S. Public Health Service.

PAs in Hospitals: 10 Fast Facts

Based on data derived from the 2017 AAPA Salary Report, the AAPA Research Department identified ten facts about PAs in hospitals.

WY PA Unable to Care for Patients after Physician Death

Although PA Bob Cummings was competent and qualified to see his patients following the physician’s death, Wyoming rules state that PAs shall not practice in any capacity if, for any reason, the supervising physician is not available to properly supervise the PA.

PA Foundation Grant Propels Community Project to Success

Since 2014, the Touro Mobile HealthCare Clinic has been addressing the critical healthcare needs of Las Vegas Valley’s homeless populations. Serving as an extension of the Touro Medical Center, university faculty supervise students as they provide wellness services, vaccinations, and diagnosis and treatment of common family diseases and minor wounds.

Making EHR Systems Work for PAs

Electronic health record (EHR) systems have been a challenge for many healthcare professionals in terms of systems not being user-friendly, a lack of interoperability and the concern that the patient-clinician relationship is being compromised as health professionals spend more time looking at computer screens and less time interacting with patients. However, EHRs have the ability to coordinate care for individuals, improve health for populations, increase efficiency, and reduce healthcare costs.

What PAs Want in the Workplace: Providing Meaningful Input to Employers

AAPA’s Center for Healthcare Leadership & Management (CHLM) identified five key drivers as criteria for its Employer of Excellence Awards. To help employers attract and retain PAs and improve their bottom line, CHLM explores employer practices that contribute to an ideal PA workplace. This article examines how one organization seeks PA input to facilitate positive organizational change.