PA turns transplant team service into model of care

Since accepting a position in the transplant surgery service at the University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) in Seattle, PA Monica Morrison has transformed the transplant team’s PA service into a model for other departments within the facility.

2017: A great year for PA-positive legislation in Virginia

Virginia’s 2017 legislative session made significant strides for PAs in the state. Specifically, Senate Bill 1062/House Bill 1910 which will become effective on July 1, 2017. The new law adds PAs to the definition of “mental health service providers” who have a duty to act when a patient threatens violence or serious harm to a third party.

Just how far does your PA buck go?

PA salaries that appear to be lower in some states -- such as South Dakota, Mississippi, and Ohio -- actually have greater purchasing power when the cost-of-living is taken into account. How much bang are you really getting for your buck?

AAMC study suggests physician-to-PA ratio may fall to 3.5:1 in 2030

The U.S. will face a shortage of between 40,800 to nearly 105,000 physicians by 2030, reports the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The organization recently released the results of its annual projects report, including data on PAs, NPs, and the effect reaching population health goals may have on demand for clinicians.

Gathering the Numbers You Need: Contract Negotiation

PA Natalie Warmuth of Chicago shares her story about the importance of gathering the numbers you need before sitting down to the negotiating table. According to the 2017 AAPA Salary Report, 66.2 percent of PAs are women. That same report also pointed out that female PAs made 7 percent less per year than their male counterparts (even after controlling for various compensation-relevant factors).

PA juggles work, MBA school, and basketball

PA Chris Braier has a multitude of goals so he’s become adept at juggling his career as a PA in orthopaedic surgery with MBA school, coaching high school basketball, and pending nuptials.

PA students eligible for Veterans Affairs scholarship program

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced last week that PA students can now participate in the Health Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP). The VA awards scholarships to students receiving education or training to become a health professional. 

Peace Corps puts PA applicants on hiatus

The Peace Corps is reviewing its current MD supervisory policy as it pertains to PAs, the organization reported today. Until the policy is revised and finalized, PAs are not being considered for Peace Corps medical officer positions. The process is expected to take two to three months.