How Physician Associates Can Qualify for Student Loan Forgiveness

While your career as a physician associate offers many professional benefits and opportunities, many PAs begin their careers with substantial student loan debt—with an average debt of $112,000 after training. Fortunately, PAs have several options available to manage their student loan debt—and potentially receive student loan forgiveness.

Migraine Management Toolkit: A Comprehensive Guide for Diagnosis and Treatment Considerations

PAs play an important role in today's healthcare landscape, functioning as critical partners in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a wide array of conditions, including migraine. Understanding the nuances of migraine management is not only beneficial for enhancing patient care, but also essential for ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatment strategies.

Grantee Spotlight: Fighting Diabetes with Healthy Lungs and Feet

With funding from the PA Foundation’s Robert K. Pedersen Global Outreach Grant Program, Carroll University’s Waukesha Free Clinic opened their doors to administer vaccines and provide diabetic foot exams and foot care education for diabetic patients in Wisconsin.

Type 1 Diabetes Diagnoses Are On the Rise: What Is the PA Role?

Type 1 diabetes diagnoses are on the rise, with over half now occurring in adults—and PAs play a crucial role in addressing this shifting landscape. Learn how PAs can break down barriers, improve outcomes, and empower patients in the fight against this chronic disease.