South Dakota Academy of PAs Legislation Meets Opposition in Senate Vote

After clearing a key South Dakota Senate Committee on February 9, South Dakota Academy of PAs’ (SDAPA) priority legislation, S.B. 134, reached the end of its 2022 legislative journey following a vote held by the full Senate on February 22. The bill failed by a narrow vote of 19 to 16.
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When it Comes to Leadership, Gerald Kayingo Has Done it All

From researcher to faculty member to director, Gerald Kayingo, PhD, MBA, PA-C, DFAAPA, has done it all when it comes to PA leadership. Kayingo talks about his PhD work in Africa and becoming a PA in the United States, his role as executive director at The Physician Assistant Leadership and Learning Academy, and the untapped areas within leadership that he thinks are wide open for PAs.

Texas PA Helps Expand Donor Pool for Heart Transplants

Timothy Wombacher, PA-C, who practices in cardiothoracic surgery at Medical City Healthcare in Dallas, Texas has dedicated most of his career to cardiovascular disease and can attest to the value of DCD through firsthand experience. In December 2021, he assisted in the first DCD cardiac transplant performed in the state of Texas.

Kathryn Reed Makes Her Mark on the PA Profession

Kathryn Reed has only been a practicing PA for a few years, but she’s already focusing her work on solving problems and finding solutions. From small inefficiencies to larger systemic issues, Reed has been working to address health inequities and diversify the PA student body.
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CMS Mandatory Reporting Program to Include Data on PAs

In 2022, PAs are required to be included in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments program. Open Payments is a national disclosure database aimed at improving transparency regarding healthcare financial relationships on a public website.