DEI Commission Chair Active at Every Level of PA Leadership

After serving in many PA leadership positions, Robert Wooten MS, PA-C, DFAAPA, was recently elected chair of AAPA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commission. Here he talks about his career, what’s changed, and how he views the Commission’s work to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Wyoming Landmark Legislation a Victory for PAs and Patients

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed legislation that repeals requirements for PAs to have a specific relationship with a physician or other provider in order to practice. The new law also recognizes PAs’ ability to practice medicine consistent with their education, training, and experience.
A child poses with medical education resources

PA Foundation Helps Student and University Support Honduran Village

At East Carolina University’s PA Program, Tori Woodward, PA, and Kim Stokes, PA-C, collaborated to lead an interprofessional medical team to Taulabé, Honduras. With support from the PA Foundation, they were able to deliver medical education and provide healthcare.

Boston PA Helps Safeguard the Homeless Through the Pandemic

The lifestyles typical of those experiencing homelessness enables COVID-19 to spread more quickly and easily than within more isolated populations. At the onset, Harrison Keyes, PA-C, of the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, made significant changes in his outreach efforts.