Cooper Couch

PA Students: Want to be a Leader? Start Leading at AAPA!

Regardless of where you are in your journey to becoming a PA, Student Academy Board of Directors President Cooper Couch, PA-S, encourages you to develop your leadership skills and advocate for the PA profession. He suggests 11 ways you can get involved.
PA talking with her patient

PA, NP Hiring Tops Physicians at U.S. Health Centers

U.S. health centers are hiring PAs and NPs at a higher rate than physicians, according to research released by the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC). NACHC’s 2020 Chartbook reported that health centers employ more PAs, NPs, and CNMs than physicians.
Young-Bin Song looking at an x-ray

What PA Practice Looks Like in Neuro-Oncology

Young-Bin Song, MCHS, PA-C, describes his practice at a multi-disciplinary neuro-oncology/radiation oncology brain tumor clinic at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Communicating with the patient population, he relates, requires preparation, practice, and patience.
PA working on a computer

Get Help on Complex Reimbursement Policies

Reimbursement policy outlined in regulations and provider manuals can be incredibly complex and filled with jargon. Understanding the basic framework for reimbursement can help a PA stay on the right side of the law and maximize their value in their practice setting.
Distinguished Fellow Reception 2017

AAPA’s Distinguished Fellows: Meet the Elite PAs

AAPA’s Distinguished Fellows program recognizes PAs who go above and beyond. These elite PAs are passionate about their work, dedicated to their patients and future PAs, and are working every day to advance both healthcare and the PA profession.

A Career in Orthopaedics: Why I Love the Specialty

Almas Abbas, PA-C, grew up playing sports – and getting injured. Her on-field experiences inspired an early interest in how the body works and how best to treat herself, and eventually led to a career as a PA in orthopaedics.
Rural field

Country Living: Working as a PA in Rural Healthcare

Things are different in the country, and healthcare is no exception. PAs who leave the big city to work in the country are in for a unique and rewarding experience. Here’s what a few PAs had to say about working in a rural setting.