Kaci Hardsock headshot

22 PA Students Elected to AAPA’s House of Delegates

Last month, the Student Academy Board of Directors elected 22 student delegates to join Kaci Hardsock, the chief delegate, on the floor at the 2020 AAPA House of Delegates (HOD) meeting in Nashville, Tennessee.
Ongoing Yes, I Scan workshop

PA Students: Start Your Own Ultrasound Interest Section

The use of point-of-care ultrasound is on the rise, and PA students should develop technical skills during PA school. Sammy-Jo Wright, a PA student at Yale, shares five tips to help you set up a Student Ultrasound Interest Section (SUIS).
CHLM/ACHE Leadership Institute image

Grow Your Hospital Career with FACHE Credential

For PAs interested in transitioning from clinical leader to executive within a hospital or healthcare organization, consider the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) and Center for Healthcare Leadership and Management (CHLM) Leadership Institute.
Three PAs talking

How PAs with High PQ Enhance Patient Care

Every PA knows continuing to develop your people skills is critical to having the kind of influence you want to have on your patients and healthcare team members. You need a high interpersonal intelligence quotient, or PQ.
PA Binayah Jernigan’s son, Josiah, at PAs on the Plaza

PA and Baby Delight Today Show Hosts During PA Week

A recent PA graduate and her baby were the stars of PAs on the Plaza at Rockefeller Center on Oct. 7. Binayah Jernigan, PA-C, was spotted in the crowd with her two-month-old son, Josiah, much to the delight of host Savannah Guthrie.
Person using a MacBook Air

How to Stay Sane During the Job Search Process

The job search is an exciting process that can yield great insights into your PA career priorities and goals. While challenging at times, here are some suggestions for making your next job search effective, rewarding, and enjoyable.
Three women pose in front of the Capitol building

PAs: Your Legislators Are Waiting to Hear From You!

While AAPA plays a critical role in representing the profession in Washington, D.C., and in state capitals, individual PAs are just as important when it comes to advocacy. Become an effective and passionate advocate using these four easy steps.
People in white coats walking down hallway

PAs Tied for 7th on List of Fastest-Growing Professions

According to new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the PA profession is tied for seventh on the list of fastest-growing occupations in the country. The profession is expected to grow 31% between 2018 and 2028.