Three PAs having a conversation in the hallway

How to Be A Good PA Colleague

Every PA shows up to work ready to take the best care of their patients, and work towards the best patient outcomes. But each of us also contributes to our work environment. How we contribute defines us as a colleague.
PA listening to her female patient

How to Talk With Patients About Intimate Partner Violence

Only 30% of PAs regularly ask their patients about domestic violence and 51% say that they have never had training in the treatment/management of domestic violence survivors. Of those PAs who have had training, only 60% feel prepared to treat survivors.
Training Rheum

The Training Rheum: ARP Collaborates with American Academy of PAs to Help Rheumatology Practices Onboard NPs & PAs

A new initiative, aimed at attracting PAs and NPs to rheumatology careers, kicked off in Atlanta Aug. 10–12. Dubbed The Training Rheum, the three-day boot camp is part of a budding alliance and collaboration between the ACR’s Committee on Rheumatology Training & Workforce Issues and the interprofessional division of the ACR, the Association of Rheumatology Professionals, and AAPA.
Lynn Scherer headshot

AAPA Volunteers Give Back By Serving as Professional Liaisons

AAPA has a long history of collaboration with other professional societies including the American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, American College of Emergency Physicians, and National Hispanic Medical Association. Generous and talented PAs volunteer to serve as liaisons.
Eleanor Graber standing in front of her project at NIDA's annual conference

Every User Has a Story: PA Aims to Humanize Patients with SUD

On average, 130 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose. Eleanor Graber, PA-C, received the PA Foundation’s NIDA Mentored Outreach Award for her project, “Every User Has a Story,” which aims to humanize people with SUD and showcase real-life success stories.
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California Gains Fifth Key Element, Increases Practice Parity

California legislation repeals state law requirements for chart review or counter signature for PAs. The bill achieves parity with other healthcare professions in the state and was the California Academy of PAs’ legislative priority this year.
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Breaking Down Walls to the PA Profession in Europe and the Mideast

For the first-ever Euro Physician Assistant Symposium, 76 PAs, physicians, medical administrators, and legal representatives came together in Berlin, Germany to break down barriers, extend PAs’ reach to the most rural populations, foster international relations between PAs all over the world, and more.