Savanna Perry headshot

Prepare for Your PA School Interview With These 5 Tips

Congratulations, you’ve scored the interview! While the waiting may seem interminable, it’s a great chance to prepare yourself to make a good impression and connect with your interviewer. Here, five tips to ensure you’ll impress your future PA school.
PAs at Cleveland Clinic with a patient

Try These Comprehensive Approaches to Treating Insomnia

Common presentations of insomnia include a decrease in sleep drive, frequent awakenings during the night, and early awakenings with difficulty returning to sleep. Expert Sharon O’Brien, MPAS, PA-C, shares insights into diagnosis and treatment of insomnia in the elderly.
Leif Sundberg winning first place

These Determined PAs Have What it Takes to be American Ninja Warriors

Two PAs, Verdale Benson, Karen Wiltin, and PA student Leif Sundberg, reached American Ninja Warrior city finals this summer in Los Angeles, Oklahoma City, and Tacoma, Washington, respectively. Competing takes the same discipline and focus as working with patients.
Two PAs looking at the computer

One Easy Way You Can Influence the Future of the PA Profession

When you get a request to complete an AAPA survey, remember – the results are critical to the future of the PA profession. Our research is used to advocate on behalf of PAs, promote career growth, and further professional advancement. We need your survey responses!
The attendees gathering at the AAPA 2019 Distinguished Fellows reception

AAPA Announces New Distinguished Fellows

Leadership. Service. Dedication. AAPA’s Distinguished Fellow Program is a select group of PAs who represent the best qualities of the PA profession. This year, AAPA is proud to add 48 new names to this growing list.
Rep. John Mizuno, Sen. Rosalyn Baker, Christina Starks, PA-C, David Ige Michael Robinson, Rep. Della Au Belatti

Hawaii PAs Obtain Improvements in PA State Laws

This month, Hawaii PAs were successful in advocating for a new law that will remove an administrative burden. On July 1, the governor signed a bill into law that will repeal the 100% chart review requirement and make additional improvements to state PA laws.

Reluctant to Discuss Reimbursement? Let the Experts Help

The rules surrounding reimbursement and payment policies are changing rapidly. As healthcare delivery transforms into a value-based payment model, PAs must be aware of how they can facilitate a high-performing, patient-centered delivery model with patients at the forefront of that care model.
Female PA presenting

Conduct Research to Show Impact of PA Profession on Health Outcomes

AAPA’s Commission on Research and Strategic Initiatives has provided an updated framework for developing a research agenda aligned with priorities of the changing profession. Researchers should consider themes like the value of PAs, PA workforce, PA role and practice, and PA education.