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Latest AAPA Publications

You can now access the 2024 Salary Report PDF, which includes more than 200 pages of data and analysis. Just click the “Get the PDF” button within the Digital Salary Report.

AAPA Salary Report

How the AAPA Salary Report Helped This PA in Her Job Search

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Upcoming Events

Research Connections:

Join us for our networking event on September 26. This time, we will discuss how to create strong, interdisciplinary research teams.

Click here to register! Act fast, space is limited.

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Want to highlight your research? Reach out to us at [email protected].

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Meet the 2024-2025 PAEA-AAPA Fellows

We are pleased to announce the 2024-2025 AAPA-PAEA Research Fellows, Sarah Bolander, DMSc, PA-C, assistant professor at Northern Arizona University, and Katherine Thompson, MCHS, PA-C, an urgent care PA at Snoqualmie Valley Health in Snoqualmie, WA.

PA Bolander’s project, PA-Specific Doctoral Degrees in Practice: Exploring Demographics and Practice Characteristics Among PAs, investigates whether there are differences in demographics, practice characteristics, and employment trends among PAs with PA-specific doctoral degrees. PA Thompson’s project, Trauma-Informed Care Training and Impact on Employee Wellness Scores, examines the impact of a trauma-informed system on workplace wellness, employee retention, and employee connectivity.

Learn more about the fellows and their research here.

Sarah Bolander, DMSc,

Katherine Thompson, MCHS, PA-C

Do you want to expand your research skills and partner with us? Feel free to learn more on our fellowship and grant funding page.

Research Activities at AAPA 2025

The call for research submissions for AAPA 2025 in Denver will open in December! Stay in the know and learn more about the research activities here. For questions, reach out to [email protected].

Related links:

Digital ePosters from AAPA 2020 to AAPA 2024

JAAPA Collections

Newest Research on the PA Profession

Here are a few articles we think you should see:

The first of a two-part series on PA leadership by the AAPA’s Reimbursement and Professional Advocacy staff, this article summarizes the importance of PA leaders and how they are critical to a healthcare organization’s success. Read more here.

The article by Ryan Whites, PhD, PA-C examines data from 2013 to 2019 PAEA Program reports to investigate compensation trends in PA programs. The research aims to understand the financial arrangements between PA programs and clinical training sites, as well as how these arrangements impact the availability and quality of training opportunities. Read more here.

A study led by Mirela Bruza-Augatis, PhD, MS, PA-C, examines the role that PAs play in delivering healthcare services in under-resourced areas, particularly rural and underserved communities, using the NCCPA 2022 PA Profile data. Read the study here.

AAPA Strengthens Researchers

Looking for research CME?

AAPA collaborates with experts to offer free CME so PAs and PA students can learn about research and enhance their clinical work. In July 2024 we launched new course offerings related to outcomes research, quality improvement, and secondary data. Learn more here, and be on the lookout for our new set of courses next year!

Resource highlight

CDC PLACES Local Health Data

PLACES provides model-based, population-level analysis and community estimates of health measures to all counties, places (incorporated and census designated places), census tracts, and ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) across the United States. Learn more about PLACES.