Sharmila Sewell performing a medication reconciliation in her patient's home

PAs Help Close Gaps in Care Through House Calls

As an in-home healthcare provider, Sarah Kaplan, PA-C, is among a rapidly growing number of medical professionals who are revitalizing the once-common practice of bringing urgent and primary care services directly into the homes of their patients.
Brittany Hager and Kathryn LaFleur smiling

A Primary Care PA Answers Your Most Pressing Questions

Kasey Brundidge, a primary care PA, sets the record straight on PA students’ most pressing practice questions. Here, she addresses the wide range of medical knowledge needed, patient volume, burnout, salary, and schedule questions.

A Day in the Life of a PA in Primary Care

I’ve been working in family medicine for two years now. Some things we do every day may seem routine, but there is nothing ordinary about how we care for our patients. Here is a recent day at my practice.