PA State Laws and Regulations, 20th Edition

The most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of key provisions in state PA laws and regulations, including the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Learn about general requirements for PA…

The Essential Guide to PA Reimbursement 2023

The Essential Guide to PA Reimbursement provides a detailed summary and explanation of the key aspects of coverage, payment and regulatory policies related to reimbursement for medical and surgical services delivered by PAs.

Fellow Membership

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Associate Membership

Learn more about associate membership. As an associate member, you have access to most of AAPA’s benefits and services. Associate members are representatives of businesses that sell products or services to PAs or individuals employed by government agencies who do not qualify for any other membership category.

Affiliate Membership

Learn more about affiliate membership. As an Affiliate member, you have access to most of AAPA’s benefits and services. Affiliate members are other healthcare professionals who want to stay current with the PA profession.

PAOS On Demand

Physician Assistants in Orthopaedic Surgery (PAOS) on Demand includes topics on shoulders, hips, knees, spine, osteoporosis, MRI, surgical techniques and more, all on demand. This is the perfect course for advanced knowledge on the diagnosis and management of many musculoskeletal conditions.

PA State Laws and Regulations, 19th Edition

The PA State Laws and Regulations, 19th Edition is the most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of key provisions in state PA laws and regulations, including the 50 states and the…

Pre-PA Membership

You’ve set your sights on becoming a PA student. You’re working hard on passing prerequisites, gaining healthcare experience, and doing everything you can to stand out on your PA school application. One easy way to do that? Join AAPA as a Pre-PA member and stay ahead of the curve.

Musculoskeletal Galaxy

Join us in Portland, Oregon for a well-rounded foundation on essential orthopaedic topics. Ideal for PAs and NPs who are new to orthopaedics, as well as those who see musculoskeletal conditions in family practice, emergency medicine, or urgent care.