Practical Nutrition for Health and Wellness

Check out these videos from the PA Foundation that aim to enhance patient-provider conversations about nutrition and its role in overall health and wellness. Test your knowledge!

Healthy People 2030: Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Healthy People 2030 is our nation’s 10-year plan for addressing our most critical public health priorities and challenges. Read about the plan’s objectives related to nutrition and healthy eating.

Longwood Nutrition Seminars

The nutritionists and physicians from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and Massachusetts General Hospital meet monthly to consider case discussions, cutting edge research,…

National Diabetes Prevention Program

You can refer your at-risk patients to a CDC-recognized lifestyle change program that is proven by research to cut their risk of type 2 diabetes by more than half. Participating…

Healthy People 2030: Diabetes

Healthy People 2030 is our nation’s 10-year plan for addressing our most critical public health priorities and challenges. Read about the plan’s objectives related to diabetes.