A Day in the Life of a Rheumatology PA

As a PA practicing in rheumatology, Lindsay Tom, PA-C, treats a wide variety of rheumatology conditions. In this specialty, she helps return quality of life for patients in pain – and her clinical work includes radiology, procedures, and assisting in the infusion suite.

Finding Your Dream Job

There is no perfect job. Career satisfaction is highly individualized. PAs can find the right job for them by carefully considering variables like work-life balance, compensation, and work setting, and…

Prepare for the Ins and Outs of Practicing in Orthopaedic Surgery

AAPA’s latest Huddle “Ask Me” session called on four experts to answer questions about starting a career in orthopaedic surgery, practicing in various subspecialties, and which resources will best prepare PAs for success in this popular surgical specialty.