Rachael Jarman gardening

Rachael Jarman Shares 5 Tips for Unemployed PAs

PA Rachael Jarman acknowledges she is not the first PA to go through unemployment and offers a few tips that help her keep a stable mental state. If we take steps towards staying healthy, she says, circumstances feel less dire.
Allyson Hamacher

Tips for New PAs on How to Grow Your Role at Work

Are you a new PA who is ready to grow your role and increase responsibilities at work? Two members of the Early Career PA Commission, Allyson Hamacher, PA-C, and Jack Ward, PA-C, share tips for other early career PAs.
Image of a PA talking to her colleagues.

4 Non-Salary Negotiations PAs Need to Consider

For most professionals, the words “negotiate” and “salary” often go hand-in-hand. But when employers can’t increase your salary offer, you may find them willing to increase or improve other areas of the benefits package to entice you to work for them.