Three PAs having a conversation in the hallway

How to Be A Good PA Colleague

Every PA shows up to work ready to take the best care of their patients, and work towards the best patient outcomes. But each of us also contributes to our work environment. How we contribute defines us as a colleague.
PA Interviewing

One Interview Tip I Would Give to All PAs

Career and leadership expert Andrea Lowe, MHA, PA-C, shares advice on how to effectively prepare so that you stand out from the crowd during job interviews. Anticipate competition for any job you’re interviewing for and do your homework.
Guide icon with a computer, pen and paper

Guide: Cover Letters

A well-written cover letter is an effective way to introduce yourself and your work to prospective employers and spark their interest in meeting you. Cover letters should be concise, lively, and tailored to each position for which you apply.