PA Reimbursement

Although you do not need to be an expert in PA coverage policies, you should have a general understanding of reimbursement issues.
Anatomy of a Contract icon

Anatomy of a Contract

Use our interactive tool to familiarize yourself with a contract. We've outlined the key elements typically found in PA employment contracts and offered some advice on what to expect, ask for, and be wary of in each section.

Advice for New Grads: Choosing Your Specialty

PA Verdale Benson knows that PA career flexibility is both a blessing a burden. His advice to new grads who are trying to choose a specialty: pursue your passion and maximize your career-growth potential.

New Year’s Resolution: New PA Job

Sometimes resolutions are about bettering ourselves professionally. January is a great time to reflect on your PA practice, spend some time updating your professional documents, and strategizing your next career move.