Empathy and Patient Engagement

What is the best way to ease someone’s pain and suffering? In this animated 3 minute short, Dr. Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic…

Going Viral: COVID-19 and Obesity Series

This four-part educational podcast series, aims to equip PAs with the knowledge and strategies to address the needs of patients with obesity and other metabolic disorders and ensure they get…

Creating a Safe Space to Discuss Obesity with Patients, Experts Speak

In a recent AAPA Huddle Ask Me session, two obesity medicine experts answered questions on how to provide high-quality care to patients struggling with obesity, the effectiveness of anti-obesity medication, and how best to support patients who qualify for bariatric surgery.

Addressing Obesity: A Community of Practice Series

This series will cover obesity topics such as the latest treatment options, patient/provider communication and engagement techniques, new best practices in obesity care, and more. The series will include interactive…