Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Diabetes Distress

This resource for healthcare professionals from the American Diabetes Association explains how Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) technology can lead to diabetes distress and how to identify and support people dealing…

Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Nutrition

This patient handout from the American Diabetes Association explains how to maximize the benefits of Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs), including using them as a tool to make healthier food choices.

My Food and Beverage Diary

Created by the CDC, this handout will help your patients track their food and beverage intake for one week.

Weight History

AAPA created this handout to help patients chart their weight history.

Mental Health Community Outreach Grant

This seed grant from the NCCPA Health Foundation supports community-based approaches to mental health and encourages applicants to work towards greater systemic change by leveraging their skills and support in…