PA on the computer

How PAs Can Take on More Responsibility Without Burning Out

As we advance in our careers, it’s natural to want to take on more responsibility. But there’s a tricky balance – we don’t want our PA practice or our enthusiasm for healthcare to suffer. Follow these four tips to take on more without burning out.
Three PAs talking

Why I Changed Specialties as a PA

One of the major advantages of becoming a PA is that it is relatively easy to change from one specialty to another without the need for new certification. More than 50% of PAs will change specialties during their careers, according to AAPA’s Salary Report.
PA Interviewing

One Interview Tip I Would Give to All PAs

Career and leadership expert Andrea Lowe, MHA, PA-C, shares advice on how to effectively prepare so that you stand out from the crowd during job interviews. Anticipate competition for any job you’re interviewing for and do your homework.
Anatomy of a Contract icon

Anatomy of a Contract

Use our interactive tool to familiarize yourself with a contract. We've outlined the key elements typically found in PA employment contracts and offered some advice on what to expect, ask for, and be wary of in each section.