Student Academy

The Student Academy Board of Directors and AOR lead student efforts to further the mission of the Academy and move toward our vision of the future.

House of Delegates

The House of Delegates is responsible for enacting policies establishing the collective values, philosophies and principals of the PA profession.


AAPA's governance leads the profession and advances the work of AAPA. PAs and PA Students from all backgrounds work collaborative to drive decision-making - always ensuring that AAPA remains relevant and committed to serving the needs of patients.

Houry Gebeshian: PA School Grad, Surgical PA, and Olympic Gymnast

Houry Gebeshian is a graduate of the Wake Forest PA Program, Surgical PA-C, and Olympic Gymnast competing for the Republic of Armenia. She was kind enough to agree to an interview with the Student Academy of AAPA about her experiences in PA school, surgery, and gymnastics