Challenge Bowl Statement

The Student Academy National Medical Challenge Bowl is a friendly competition among registered PA student societies held at AAPA’s annual conference.

Challenge Bowl Past Winners

Past winners of the National Medical Challenge Bowl are listed here, going back until 1991. This could be your program's year!

Assembly of Representatives (AOR)

The Assembly of Representatives (AOR) is comprised of student representatives from each recognized PA program’s Student Society. Students debate and determine resolutions which will guide the work of the Student Academy Board of Directors and student volunteers for the subsequent leadership year.

Registered Student Societies

Student society registration opens Sept. 1 each year. Here is a list of registered student societies for the 2018-2019 leadership year, along with their eligibility for AAPA's National Medical Challenge Bowl and the Assembly of Representatives (AOR) Meeting.

Student Academy

The Student Academy Board of Directors and AOR lead student efforts to further the mission of the Academy and move toward our vision of the future.

Houry Gebeshian: PA School Grad, Surgical PA, and Olympic Gymnast

Houry Gebeshian is a graduate of the Wake Forest PA Program, Surgical PA-C, and Olympic Gymnast competing for the Republic of Armenia. She was kind enough to agree to an interview with the Student Academy of AAPA about her experiences in PA school, surgery, and gymnastics