HOD 101

Find quick facts on the House of Delegates (HOD), which has sole authority on behalf of AAPA to enact policies establishing the collective values, philosophies, and principles of the PA…


The PA profession was created to improve and expand healthcare. The concept was lauded early on and gained federal acceptance and backing as early as the 1970s as a creative solution to physician shortages.


More than 400 volunteers represent AAPA and the profession in a variety of settings, from long-term appointments to one-day meetings. See how you can help advance the profession.

Endorsed Clinical Guidelines

Guidelines and papers developed by one or more PA organizations, or by an organization that impacts the PA profession may apply for evaluation and endorsement by the Academy.

Governance Documents & Policies

The work of the AAPA is guided by a series of documents that establish the work of the organization, support how our mission is achieved, and ensure transparency to our members.

Student Academy

The Student Academy Board of Directors and AOR lead student efforts to further the mission of the Academy and move toward our vision of the future.

House of Delegates

The House of Delegates is responsible for enacting policies establishing the collective values, philosophies and principals of the PA profession.