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California Gains Fifth Key Element, Increases Practice Parity

California legislation repeals state law requirements for chart review or counter signature for PAs. The bill achieves parity with other healthcare professions in the state and was the California Academy of PAs’ legislative priority this year.
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Missouri PAs Celebrate Legislation Modernizing PA Practice

PAs in Missouri are celebrating the enactment of Senate Bill 514, a healthcare omnibus bill, which includes provisions that modernize PA practice in the state. With the passage of SB 514, references to “supervision” are replaced with “collaboration.”
Rep. John Mizuno, Sen. Rosalyn Baker, Christina Starks, PA-C, David Ige Michael Robinson, Rep. Della Au Belatti

Hawaii PAs Obtain Improvements in PA State Laws

This month, Hawaii PAs were successful in advocating for a new law that will remove an administrative burden. On July 1, the governor signed a bill into law that will repeal the 100% chart review requirement and make additional improvements to state PA laws.
PA checking a patient's neck

South Carolina Set to Modernize PA Practice

In August, an updated law will be enacted in South Carolina that will expedite PA entry into the healthcare workforce by streamlining licensure processes and removing archaic, extraneous requirements that serve no public protection role.