David Bunnell posing with his award.

CO Awards Recognize Three Organizations for Outstanding Programs

AAPA’s Outreach and Advocacy Awards honors organizations for their outstanding programs, projects, and initiatives. This year, the Association of PAs in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, the Society of Point of Care Ultrasound, and the Ohio Association of PAs received awards for their exemplary contributions to the profession.
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Idaho Adds PA to State Medical Board

Idaho Governor Brad Little has signed legislation that will add a PA to the Idaho State Board of Medicine. The Idaho Academy of PAs has sought this change for several years, and Idaho has now successfully achieved a component of OTP.

PA State Laws and Regulations, 19th Edition

The PA State Laws and Regulations, 19th Edition is the most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of key provisions in state PA laws and regulations, including the 50 states and the…

PAs in Virginia Attain Collaboration

Virginia Gov. Ralph S. Northam signed into law legislation that authorizes PAs to practice "in collaboration and consultation" with patient care team physicians (or podiatrists). This was a priority bill for the Virginia Academy of PAs and becomes effective July 1, 2019.

PAs Now Eligible for Licensure in Puerto Rico

New rules adopted by the Puerto Rico Department of Health will finally allow PAs to obtain a license to practice in Puerto Rico. The effort to authorize PA practice in Puerto Rico has been a decades-long joint effort by AAPA, PAs for Puerto Rico and PAs for Latino Health.