Here’s How Every PA Can Play a Role in Mental Healthcare

Megan Pinder, MMS, PA-C, is an advocate for psychiatric patients both personally and professionally. She responds to questions about PAs’ role in mental health, how access, socioeconomic status, and stigma impact patient mental health, and how to advocate for mental health patients.

PAs: Obstetrics and Gynecology Needs You!

President of APAOG, Melissa Rodriguez, DMSc, PA-C, thinks PAs are a great fit for practicing in obstetrics and gynecology; they are medically trained, compassionate, team-oriented, and are qualified to identify, prevent, and treat most, if not all, causes of maternal mortality.

Health Inequities: How PAs Can Help Bridge the Care Gap

The PA Foundation’s Vital Minds podcast featured a discussion on how health disparities have been exacerbated by COVID-19, the role socioeconomic factors and insurance may play in health disparities, and how PAs – and other allies – can help bridge the care gap.

A Week in the Life of a PA in Radiation Oncology

What does a week look like for a PA in radiation oncology? Katey Wert, PA-C, has been practicing in the specialty for six years. While difficult at times, given the patient population, she finds the work rewarding and meaningful.
Two PAs looking at a cellphone

PA Career Pivots: 6 Tips for Redirecting Your Future

COVID-19 upended PA career paths, from furloughs to redeployment. It also caused PAs to reflect upon their current roles and future goals. The PA Career Coach shares six tips for PAs who find themselves needing or wanting a career pivot.

Expert Advice on Providing Trans-Affirming Healthcare

AAPA invited PAs Lauren Eisenbeis and Jo Rolls to host Huddle’s latest Ask Me session on transgender healthcare. Eisenbeis and Rolls used their expertise from years of experience to provide advice and resources for PAs to provide trans-affirming healthcare to patients.