Kris Pyles-Sweet, MS, PA-C; Travis Randolph, PA-C; Emily WhiteHorse, Ph.D., PA-C; Melissa Ricker, PA-C

Insider Tips on Popular PA Specialties

PAs know that career flexibility is a built-in benefit of the profession. But it can be overwhelming to think about transitioning specialties. Do you have enough experience? What’s the best way to get your foot in the door? Four experts share their insights.

AOP Guide

Explore a new career direction or specialty with this collection of AAPA and partner resources, salary data, and CME on various practice areas, including Administration, Dermatology, Education, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Internal Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery, Telemedicine, and Urgent Care.
PA Educator Shares the Science Behind Memory

PA Educator Shares the Science Behind Memory

PA school is all about memory. So what is the science behind memory, and why do some memory strategies work better than others? Kristopher Maday, MS, PA-C, DFAAPA, shares a three-tiered, information processing model to memory, and how PA students can use it to their benefit.
Study Less, Remember More Student Webinar image

Study Less, Remember More

By focusing on the finish line from the very start, developing strong personalized study skills, and maintaining a willingness to adapt, students will learn how to feel confident on test day through both didactic and clinical years.

PA Practice Resources

It is important to understand training, competencies, and the scope of practice of PAs. Knowledge of PA practice can optimize patient care while maintaining compliance with Federal laws and regulations.…

Rachael Jarman gardening

Rachael Jarman Shares 5 Tips for Unemployed PAs

PA Rachael Jarman acknowledges she is not the first PA to go through unemployment and offers a few tips that help her keep a stable mental state. If we take steps towards staying healthy, she says, circumstances feel less dire.

Q&A with PA Leader Clair Kuriakose

Clair Kuriakose, MBA, PA-C, is a high achiever. She sets goals for herself, achieves them, and then strategically lays out her next steps. She finished PA school, got her MBA and Lean Six Sigma certification, and now leads advanced practice providers at Stanford Health Care.