Allyson Hamacher

Tips for New PAs on How to Grow Your Role at Work

Are you a new PA who is ready to grow your role and increase responsibilities at work? Two members of the Early Career PA Commission, Allyson Hamacher, PA-C, and Jack Ward, PA-C, share tips for other early career PAs.
Nicole S. Cournoyer reviewing a chart

A Day in the Life of PA Faculty and Clinician

Nicole S. Cournoyer, PA-C, faculty member at Thomas Jefferson University, started her career in a community-based oncology office. Teaching patients and family members about disease processes, medications and interventions led to lecturing then teaching full-time at her alma mater.
Image of a PA talking to her colleagues.

4 Non-Salary Negotiations PAs Need to Consider

For most professionals, the words “negotiate” and “salary” often go hand-in-hand. But when employers can’t increase your salary offer, you may find them willing to increase or improve other areas of the benefits package to entice you to work for them.