Young-Bin Song looking at an x-ray

What PA Practice Looks Like in Neuro-Oncology

Young-Bin Song, MCHS, PA-C, describes his practice at a multi-disciplinary neuro-oncology/radiation oncology brain tumor clinic at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Communicating with the patient population, he relates, requires preparation, practice, and patience.

A Career in Orthopaedics: Why I Love the Specialty

Almas Abbas, PA-C, grew up playing sports – and getting injured. Her on-field experiences inspired an early interest in how the body works and how best to treat herself, and eventually led to a career as a PA in orthopaedics.
Rural field

Country Living: Working as a PA in Rural Healthcare

Things are different in the country, and healthcare is no exception. PAs who leave the big city to work in the country are in for a unique and rewarding experience. Here’s what a few PAs had to say about working in a rural setting.
Interviewing PAs

Feeling Unfulfilled? You Might Need a New Job

Changing jobs is one of the most impactful ways of creating positive change in your PA career. Is it time for you to move on from a position that is no longer inspiring, sustainable, or financially rewarding?
PA smiling and a group of PAs talking behind her

8 Networking Tips for PAs

No matter your career stage, networking plays a vital role in landing the position that’s right for you. Join AAPA to access a network that’s 60,000 PAs strong and use these eight tips to help you polish your networking skills.
PAs sitting at a table, laughing and talking

Locum Tenens Offers Work/Life Balance and a Fresh Start

PAs can turn to locum tenens as a full-time career alternative that allows them to take control of their own schedule, establish a better work/life balance, and enjoy a regular change of scenery.