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Study Examines Impact of Depression on PA Professional Fulfillment

A new study in JAAPA examines the relationship between depression, anxiety, and professional fulfillment in PAs. Pre-COVID, 6% of PAs met the criteria for depression and 13% for moderate to severe anxiety. One in three PAs reported levels of burnout.
PA smiling on the computer

How to Tailor Your Job Application for a Specialty Transition

Any successful career transition is rooted in self-knowledge, curiosity and a zestful movement towards what inspires you as a clinician. PAs have unique career journeys given their ability to navigate specialty transitions that can be both exciting and daunting.

Here’s How Every PA Can Play a Role in Mental Healthcare

Megan Pinder, MMS, PA-C, is an advocate for psychiatric patients both personally and professionally. She responds to questions about PAs’ role in mental health, how access, socioeconomic status, and stigma impact patient mental health, and how to advocate for mental health patients.

PAs: Obstetrics and Gynecology Needs You!

President of APAOG, Melissa Rodriguez, DMSc, PA-C, thinks PAs are a great fit for practicing in obstetrics and gynecology; they are medically trained, compassionate, team-oriented, and are qualified to identify, prevent, and treat most, if not all, causes of maternal mortality.

A Day in the Life of a PA in Hospital Internal Medicine

Adrijana Anderson, PA-C, has a unique position at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona; her time is equally split between the hospital medicine and critical care departments. Anderson loves the arrangement and is passionate about practicing hospital medicine.