Three PAs having a conversation in the hallway

How to Be A Good PA Colleague

Every PA shows up to work ready to take the best care of their patients, and work towards the best patient outcomes. But each of us also contributes to our work environment. How we contribute defines us as a colleague.
The winners of the CHLM Employer of Excellence award

How to Build an APP Leadership Career Pathway in Your Organization

What do Employers of Excellence have in common? Pathways for APPs to excel, including formal leadership training, a structured career pathway, and APP councils. These help to create positive environments that seek input and opportunities for improvement.
Sharmila Sewell performing a medication reconciliation in her patient's home

PAs Help Close Gaps in Care Through House Calls

As an in-home healthcare provider, Sarah Kaplan, PA-C, is among a rapidly growing number of medical professionals who are revitalizing the once-common practice of bringing urgent and primary care services directly into the homes of their patients.
PAs walking and talking

Survey Uncovers Ways Employers Can Enhance the PA Workplace

CHLM’s 2018 PA and NP Workplace Experiences National Summary Report offers insight to help employers enhance the working environment for PAs and NPs, focusing on recruitment and retention, onboarding, clinical utilization, leadership structure, billing and reimbursement, and productivity reporting.
Huddle Ask Me Session Telemedicine graphic

Virtual Health PAs Share Insight to Rapidly Growing Healthcare Space

Huddle’s latest Ask Me session recruited virtual medicine PAs Desmond Watt and Amanda Shelley to engage in field-related discussions with AAPA members. Virtual health, or telemedicine, is an emerging healthcare space that PAs have the opportunity to not only join, but lead.
Dave Bunnell, PA-C

Profile of a PA Specializing in Cardiac Electrophysiology

Ever wonder what a PA who specializes in cardiac electrophysiology does? David J. Bunnell, MSHS, PA-C, Lead Medical Center PA at the Washington, D.C., VA Medical Center tells us about his current role and why he changed specialties mid-career.
PA on the computer

How PAs Can Take on More Responsibility Without Burning Out

As we advance in our careers, it’s natural to want to take on more responsibility. But there’s a tricky balance – we don’t want our PA practice or our enthusiasm for healthcare to suffer. Follow these four tips to take on more without burning out.
Three PAs talking

Why I Changed Specialties as a PA

One of the major advantages of becoming a PA is that it is relatively easy to change from one specialty to another without the need for new certification. More than 50% of PAs will change specialties during their careers, according to AAPA’s Salary Report.