Brittany Hager and Kathryn LaFleur smiling

A Primary Care PA Answers Your Most Pressing Questions

Kasey Brundidge, a primary care PA, sets the record straight on PA students’ most pressing practice questions. Here, she addresses the wide range of medical knowledge needed, patient volume, burnout, salary, and schedule questions.
Andrea Lowe headshot

PA, Leadership Consultant, Career Expert: Meet Andrea Lowe

Andrea Lowe, MHA, PA-C, has a lot of ideas about raising PA public awareness and increasing career opportunities for PAs. Lowe practiced as a PA in emergency medicine and then transitioned to increasingly visible leadership roles.

Conference 2020

AAPA 2020 Special Edition: we've gone digital! Our AAPA Conference on Demand 2020: Full Library will be ready for purchase in mid-June.
One PA smiling at camera and one PA on computer

Find Your Passion at Any Stage of Your PA Career

Whether you are just starting your PA career, are in mid-practice, or near retirement, be cognizant of what drives and ignites you. By taking inventory, considering new initiatives, and talking to other PAs, you can find your passion.
Andy Le and Linda Som next to the Arizona Medical Clinic mission

Husband and Wife MDs Awarded the 2019 Preceptor of the Year Award

B. Andy Le, MD and Linda Som, MD, serve underserved refugee populations in Phoenix, Arizona, and have precepted PA students for 10 years – providing them an opportunity to care for a diverse population, and earning them this year’s Preceptor of the Year Award.
Dan Acevedo pointing at a patient's x-ray

A Week in the Life of a PA in Orthopaedics

Daniel Acevedo, a PA in orthopaedics at OrthoVirginia in Lynchburg, Virginia, sees a lot in a typical week: five to seven surgeries, hospital consultations, hip fracture clinics, post-op patients, outpatient procedures at an ambulatory surgery center, and more.
Health professional types on a laptop

Hate the Time Spent on EHRs? You’re Not Alone

Despite the promised efficiency of using EHR systems, more than one in four PAs spend at least two hours per day, outside of office hours, documenting clinical care in their EHR system. Here is the good and bad news about EHRs.