PAs and Consent to Settle

AAPA Insurance offers consent to settle with no hammer clause, and might be the right choice for you.
A physician associate/physician assistant in surgical gear

What is a PA?

What is a PA (physician associate/physician assistant)? PAs are licensed clinicians who practice medicine in every specialty and setting.

9 In-Person Networking Tips for PAs

PAs are in demand across the nation, but landing the right position often comes down to your personal network. Brush up on your networking skills so you can attend your…

Obesity Management in Primary Care Training and Certificate Program

AAPA has collaborated with the world’s leading organization on obesity management, The Obesity Society, and an award-winning educational partner, Integrated Learning Partners, to develop the 2022-2023 Obesity Management in Primary Care Training and Certificate Program.

Urgent Care, a Fast Growing Specialty for PAs and Physicians

Urgent care medicine is the “provision of immediate medical service offering outpatient care for the treatment of acute and chronic illness and injury”. PAs in urgent care should have a vast array of clinical skills as well as the ability to quickly identify patients who require more intensive emergency medicine services. While urgent care providers may also be the first to diagnosis chronic diseases such as diabetes or asthma, they generally refer patients to a primary care provider for the management of these conditions.

Cardiology PAs Get to the Heart of the Matter

American Heart Month in February is an appropriate time to take stock of PAs’ contributions in cardiac care. According to a 2016 NCCPA survey, 2,600 PAs practice in cardiology and 3,150 PAs practice in cardiothoracic and vascular surgery. PAs are treating heart disease, the leading cause of death in men and women, in inspiring ways.