Joel Ciolek headshot

A Day in the Life of a PA in Ophthalmology

Joel Ciolek, MSPA, PA-C, is one of 80 PAs practicing in ophthalmology. He enjoys looking into someone’s eyes for a living and preserving and restoring vision. He describes a typical day doing comprehensive, medical retina, and vitreoretinal surgery.
Image of a PA talking to her colleagues.

Fact-Checked: Myths About Malpractice Insurance

AAPA has partnered with CM&F for more than 20 years to provide trusted insurance protection for PAs’ assets and careers. To help you understand the complexities of malpractice insurance, they debunk five of the most common myths they hear from PAs.
AAPA Insurance Services "Protecting PA careers for over 30 years" promo

What PAs Need to Know About Malpractice Insurance

All clinically practicing PAs should carry professional liability coverage, often called malpractice insurance, during all time periods in which they practice. But the ins and outs of malpractice insurance can be confusing, so we have the official answers to nine of your most frequently asked questions.
Kris Pyles-Sweet, MS, PA-C; Travis Randolph, PA-C; Emily WhiteHorse, Ph.D., PA-C; Melissa Ricker, PA-C

Insider Tips on Popular PA Specialties

PAs know that career flexibility is a built-in benefit of the profession. But it can be overwhelming to think about transitioning specialties. Do you have enough experience? What’s the best way to get your foot in the door? Four experts share their insights.
Kristopher R. Maday headshot

What Makes a Good PA Professor? These 7 Ps

Kristopher R. Maday, MS, PA-C, DFAAPA, is a committed and passionate PA educator. He shares what his own favorite professors have in common, and how he strives to make PA school educational and fun for his own students.
Nidhi Reva with a poster for Nested

PA Founds Company to Help New Parents Build Perfect ‘Nest’

PA Nidhi Reva’s passion for providing accessible information to expectant women and families led her to launch her own company, Nested LLC. From starting her own business to volunteering overseas, Reva has built her career on caring for parents-to-be and underserved populations.
A telehealth visit

PAs Embrace Telemedicine After COVID-19 Jumpstart

Although most PAs did not use telemedicine in their practices before COVID-19, AAPA’s Research Department reports in a recent data brief that PAs are now embracing telemedicine to provide remote, high-quality care to their patients. Several comment on how their jobs have changed.
Horses on the street in Wheeler County

Frontier Medicine: One County, One PA

Amanda Roy, PA-C, is the only healthcare provider for all of Wheeler County, Oregon. She discusses what she finds rewarding about frontier medicine, the significance of precepting in her career, and what it means to her that her patients trust her so much.