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A Day in the Life of a PA in Dermatology

Sara M. Wilchowski, MS, PA-C, never has a typical day practicing in dermatology. She enjoys the variety of her specialty, from conducting full-body cancer exams to navigating tough conversations with patients and their families in order to communicate treatment options.

2022 AAPA-PAEA Research Seminar Series

AAPA and PAEA are inviting all PAs and PA students to participate in the 2022 Research Seminar Series. Join the AAPA-PAEA Research Fellows each month to learn about resources that…

Emergency Medicine PAs Say Preparation and Experience Lead to Success

According to the 2021 AAPA Salary Report, emergency medicine is the third-most popular specialty for PAs. In the October Huddle Ask Me session, AAPA brought together three experienced PAs to answer questions about entering, transitioning to, and thriving in emergency medicine.

PAs: Obstetrics and Gynecology Needs You!

President of APAOG, Melissa Rodriguez, DMSc, PA-C, thinks PAs are a great fit for practicing in obstetrics and gynecology; they are medically trained, compassionate, team-oriented, and are qualified to identify, prevent, and treat most, if not all, causes of maternal mortality.

A Day in the Life of a PA in Hospital Internal Medicine

Adrijana Anderson, PA-C, has a unique position at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona; her time is equally split between the hospital medicine and critical care departments. Anderson loves the arrangement and is passionate about practicing hospital medicine.

Insider Perspective from a PA in Family Medicine

Amber Davis, PA-C, has been practicing family medicine for four years. She was interested in the specialty from the start of her PA career, drawn to the idea of treating the “whole patient” rather than a single body system.

PA Educators Share Inspiration, Challenges, Rewards

What inspires a PA to get into education? We asked two PA educators, Nicole Burwell, MSHS, PhD, PA-C, DFAAPA, and Elias Villarreal, Jr., MPAS, DMSc, PA-C, DFAAPA, about their paths to the classroom and what they find most challenging and most rewarding.

Paving the Way: PA Patti Cuartas and Her Journey to the C-Suite

Patti Cuartas, PA-C, started in the ED and now works in the C-suite. In addition to her PA experience across many specialties, Cuartas attended business school and now serves as assistant chief medical information officer for an international health system.