Ben Smith points to an x-ray

Could Rheumatology Be the Right Specialty for You?

The rheumatology specialty faces personnel shortages that may worsen as the population ages while rheumatologists retire. That’s why AAPA is offering new Rheumatic Learning curriculum which delivers a patient-case based simulated experience.
Title Change Investigation

WPP and AAPA Report to HOD on PA Title Change Investigation

AAPA’s House of Delegates heard final reports from WPP, the agency tasked with performing the PA Title Change Investigation, and AAPA. Next steps are now with delegates as they return to their respective constituencies to prepare for the May 2021 HOD meeting.
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AAPA’s Response to AMA’s #StopScopeCreep Campaign

On behalf of the more than 140,000 PAs across this country who work alongside physicians in every medical setting and specialty, we ask that the American Medical Association (AMA) cease advancing the false and offensive narrative in your #StopScopeCreep campaign, which suggests PA care is not safe and jeopardizes patient safety.