PA Academy of Vermont

Vermont Governor Signs Act Modernizing PA Practice

On July 1, Vermont Gov. Phil Scott signed S.128, an act that significantly improves PA practice in the state. The legislation was the result of years of hard work by the PA Academy of Vermont.
Florida Academy of PAs

New Florida Law Secures Critical Component of OTP for PAs

Priority legislation for the Florida Academy of PAs, HB 713, becomes law giving PAs a majority in the regulation of the profession, one of the pillars of Optimal Team Practice. The new law modifies the composition of the PA Council.
Person videocalling with three others

How to Advocate in a Time of Social Distancing

Now more than ever, PAs should be advocating for the profession, sharing their stories with legislators about the critical role PAs play in healthcare delivery. Learn about ways to build and keep up these important relationships when in-person meetings are not an option.
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Oklahoma Legislation Allows PAs to Receive Direct Pay

Oklahoma PAs are celebrating a major victory with passage of S.B. 1915 which specifically allows for PAs to receive direct pay. The legislation provides Oklahoma with an element of Optimal Team Practice and modernizes PA practice in the state.
Two PAs talking

Quantifying PA Productivity Can be Challenging

Measuring productivity in healthcare is important to determine contribution to care, revenue generation, and job performance; however, accurate measurement of a health professional’s productivity can be challenging. PAs are acutely affected when productivity measurements are quantified by financial contribution alone.
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New CMS Rule Provides Additional PA Practice Flexibility

CMS yesterday released additional regulatory flexibilities for PAs in response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. The Medicare and Medicaid Programs Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency interim final rule temporarily authorizes PAs to supervise diagnostic tests.
PA talking

New CMS Waiver Provides Additional PA Practice Flexibility

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services yesterday released additional regulatory flexibilities in response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. The new waiver authorizes PAs to deliver visits to Medicare beneficiaries in a skilled nursing facility previously required to be provided by physicians.