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5 Steps You Can Take to Elevate your Organization’s Social Media

When used effectively, social media provides PA organizations opportunities to engage more people, meet goals, and further the profession. Here are some tips to help your caucus, chapter, special interest group, or specialty organization build its social media presence.
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CMS Approves Rule Changes to Improve PA Practice

A final CMS rule, Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Regulatory Provisions to Promote Program Efficiency, Transparency, and Burden Reduction, released yesterday contains a number of PA-positive regulatory changes initiated by AAPA as part of CMS’ burden reduction efforts.
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Missouri PAs Celebrate Legislation Modernizing PA Practice

PAs in Missouri are celebrating the enactment of Senate Bill 514, a healthcare omnibus bill, which includes provisions that modernize PA practice in the state. With the passage of SB 514, references to “supervision” are replaced with “collaboration.”
Rep. John Mizuno, Sen. Rosalyn Baker, Christina Starks, PA-C, David Ige Michael Robinson, Rep. Della Au Belatti

Hawaii PAs Obtain Improvements in PA State Laws

This month, Hawaii PAs were successful in advocating for a new law that will remove an administrative burden. On July 1, the governor signed a bill into law that will repeal the 100% chart review requirement and make additional improvements to state PA laws.

Reluctant to Discuss Reimbursement? Let the Experts Help

The rules surrounding reimbursement and payment policies are changing rapidly. As healthcare delivery transforms into a value-based payment model, PAs must be aware of how they can facilitate a high-performing, patient-centered delivery model with patients at the forefront of that care model.