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A Look Ahead: Advocacy Priorities for 2022

While PA practice is regulated at the state level, it is also impacted by federal statutes and regulations and reimbursement policy. Learn more about the advocacy team's 2022 priorities and ways you can get involved in advancing your profession.
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AAPA Shares Update on State Medicaid Policies Pertaining to PAs

AAPA periodically issues a questionnaire to Medicaid agencies in all 50 states and D.C. to clarify policies pertaining to PAs. This year more states say they enroll PAs as billing providers – indicating that PAs are authorized to receive direct payment.
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The PA Licensure Compact – What You Should Know

PA stakeholders, subject matter experts, and the Federation of State Medical Boards have been working for over two years on an interstate PA Licensure Compact. Learn about the Compact’s benefits and what’s been happening behind the scenes.
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CMS Releases 2022 Physician Fee Schedule Rule

As part of the final 2022 Physician Fee Schedule, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized numerous Medicare coverage and payment policies that directly impact PAs. This is a brief summary of key policy changes which are effective January 1, 2022.
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PAs, Do You Know Your Value?

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, a nonpartisan agency, states that “PAs nearly always lower costs (and increase profits) for their employers.” PAs should use accurate data when measuring productivity and quantify their value to factor in benefits and costs.
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AAPA Comments on Critical Medicare Payment Proposals

PAs are positioned to achieve a significant policy victory as the Medicare program proposes to authorize direct payment to PAs. In the proposed 2022 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) rule CMS announced plans to give PAs the ability to directly receive payment when treating Medicare patients.