Why I applied for a National Health Service Corps scholarship

In order to detail my reasons for applying for this wonderful scholarship, I must first define what led me to the profession. One of the main reasons I chose to become a PA was to help those in need of medical care, specifically the populations that may have little to no access to these resources. I then gained acceptance into Touro University Nevada’s PA program, where I found that I fit perfectly, since their motives of helping the undeserved related to my own.

A Day in the Life of a PA in Primary Care

I’ve been working in family medicine for two years now. Some things we do every day may seem routine, but there is nothing ordinary about how we care for our patients. Here is a recent day at my practice.

A Day in the Life of a PA in Orthopaedic Surgery

I enjoy being a physician assistant because my work is challenging, yet very rewarding. I am able to practice medicine within a multidisciplinary team where I consult with my supervising physicians daily. Here’s what a recent day was like for me.