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AAPA Statement on Current National Crisis

AAPA acknowledges that injustice, racism, and inequality have impacted many lives, and we want to deliver a very clear message: We strongly condemn racism in all forms.
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Oklahoma Legislation Allows PAs to Receive Direct Pay

Oklahoma PAs are celebrating a major victory with passage of S.B. 1915 which specifically allows for PAs to receive direct pay. The legislation provides Oklahoma with an element of Optimal Team Practice and modernizes PA practice in the state.
Christophe E. Jackson playing the piano

Neurosurgery PA Combines Love of Music, Medicine, and Science

Bioengineering, music, and medicine don’t have much in common. But Christophe E. Jackson, PhD, DMA, PA-C, is enthusiastic about each, and he thinks the PA profession offers an opportunity to take advantage of the best of the three worlds.
Rachael Jarman with her family

What’s It’s Like to be Furloughed During COVID-19

Urgent care PA Rachael Jarman reflects on what it feels like to be furloughed during COVID-19, a situation she never thought she would find herself in. After planning workflows and patient care before the surge, she found herself staying home until further notice.
Sarah Chobot

PAs on the Front Lines: Sarah Chobot in Palliative Care

Sarah Chobot, MPAS, PA-C, works in palliative care at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Chobot and her colleagues rely on technology to make sure their patients and families can connect.
Jeff Heinrich

Student Academy Founder Jeff Heinrich Passes Away

AAPA’s first student president and founder of the official AAPA Student Academy, J. Jeffrey Heinrich, EdD, PA-C Emeritus, died on May 10 in Guilford, Connecticut. Heinrich was also co-founder of the PA History Society and recipient of many professional honors and awards.