Category 5 Hurricanes Derail PA Students

Jill Schulten, PA-S, chose Barry University’s St. Croix campus for PA school because of the experiences it offered her – working with a tight-knit community, making a difference through volunteer work, and adventuring on the island. She didn’t expect her time there to include devastating Category 5 hurricanes, or the ripple effects the storm created.

Rural Medicine a Smooth Transition for Army PA

After serving for several years as a combat medic in the Army National Guard, PA Curt Kroh works with a unique patient population of veterans in a Bismarck, North Dakota Community Based Outpatient Clinic. He says “There are times when you feel like you’re getting crushed. But there’s no more satisfying career that being a PA.”

Meet 2018’s PA Student of the Year

2018’s PA Student of the Year winner embodies exemplary service, advocacy, and leadership to the PA profession. Blake Rogers coordinates volunteer activities, chairs social media committees, and participates in grassroots advocacy – all while making sure his homework is done on time.

JAMA Dermatology Study Fundamentally Flawed

The American Academy of PAs (AAPA) and the Society of Dermatology PAs (SDPA) today criticized an article published in JAMA Dermatology as fundamentally flawed with too small a sample size to be representative of the PA profession.

A Day in the Life of a PA in Orthopaedics

Travis Randolph, PA-C, practices orthopaedics and is the Clinical Director of Sports Medicine at West Virginia University. In a day, he sees it all – surgery, MRIs, sutures, and more.

Legislation Introduced to Authorize Direct Pay to PAs Under Medicare

On April 13, Representatives Adrian Smith (R-NE) and Terri Sewell (D-AL) introduced HR 5506, the Physician Assistant Direct Payment Act, to authorize PAs to receive direct payment under Medicare. If enacted, this legislation would advance AAPA’s Optimal Team Practice for those PAs billing under Medicare.

PAs Can Bring Cost-Effective Care to Complex Patients

Adults aged 65+ frequently have multiple chronic conditions that may add to their medical complexity. Treatment for complex patients is unsustainably costly, but the needs of these patients can be met with effective care strategies. PAs are poised to take a lead role in bringing cost-effective care coordination to complex patients.